News -


Happy Easter 2018

Next weekend the big days arrive - Easter holidays are coming up! And to make sure you're going outside, FLAGSTACK will come up with a fantastic Easter special.

In the course of the upcoming week, we’re going to hide an Easter egg in your inventory. Using the app, you can deploy this Easter egg from Good Friday (30.März 2018, 00:01, timezone Europe / Berlin). Our system automatically hides 40 sweet, small Easter chicks on the map within a radius of 1 km around your current deploy location - and you have to find them! They will become visible on the map when you are close enough to the Easter specials - about 200 meters! By the way, you’ll find them close to roads and footpaths, and only you can see your Easter chicks. You’ll get 40 points for each collected Easter chick, for at least 18 collected Easter chicks you’ll receive a cute Easter badge.

Because so many players were enthusiastic last year, the golden Easter bunny is available for you in our webshop again! This bunny hides automatically 20 golden Easter eggs within 1km around your current deploy location. These Easter eggs are only visible on the map when you get close to them (about 200m)! Contrary to the Easter chicks, other players can also find and capture your golden Easter bunny and the golden Easter eggs. You’ll get additional 4-10 Capture On points for it, and for the Easter bunny or the golden Easter eggs you’ll get 6-40 capture points. For at least 15 captured golden Easter eggs you’ll also receive a great Easter badge.

Please make sure to have a good GPS signal before the deployment. A review, of whether the road is in a secure area or how good the mobile reception is, cannot be done. It will happen in some cases, that Easter Specials are unreachable. Therefore, there is no legal claim to be able to collect all the Easter Specials. So you will receive more than twice as many specials as for the preservation of the badges are necessary. The promotion of all Easter specials ends on Sunday after Easter (08.April 2018, 23:59, timezone Europe / Berlin).

Of course there are also great offers* with discounts of up to 40% in our webshop for you at Easter (from Good Friday to Easter Monday). They will change from daily, and the very special offers will only be available by the hour - so you also have to look for them...

Now you have great plans for the long Easter weekend! Go out and collect some sunbeams and unique FLAGSTACK Easter specials and badges... We wish you lots of fun and happy Easter!


* A combination with any discounts, vouchers and discounts is not possible, except gift vouchers. The discount is not payable in cash. Only available for orders placed with PayPal on the website. An order with voucher and / or discount via apps is currently not possible.


The world shines in green on St. Patrick's Day

The world shines in green again - no wonder, because it is St.Patrick's Day again...

Ireland and many sights around the world are enchanted by a green veil and big parades are held everywhere. And you know what - if there's something to celebrate, we'll be there with FLAGSTACK!

On the 17th and 18th of March, we'll be enchanting Green Flags and Happy Holiday Flags in green cylinders, Treasure Flags in bags of gold and Jumper Flags in the national flag of Ireland - all over the world! Join the hustle and bustle and collect at least 51 of these enchanted flags from March 17th (0:00, Time Zone Europe / Berlin) until March 18th 2018 (23:59, Time Zone Europe / Berlin). The enchanted flags are, of course, freely combinable and you’ll get a wonderful badge to pay tribute to this Irish national holiday!

Do you feel like celebrating this special day? Then either make a quick trip to Ireland or capture green cylinders, bags of gold or the national flags of Ireland somewhere else in the FLAGSTACK world.

On such special days, on which the whole world is charmed by the Irish national colour, the prices in our webshop also change... Great offers* are waiting for you in our webshop in the above mentioned campaign period - save money on St. Patrick's Day with a quick click!

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit!

PS: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the volunteers of your choice:

DTas (EN / DE)

Heisenberg (EN)

Lednimedvidek (CZ / EN / DE)

Borghuis (NL / EN / DE)


Frontend / Backend Flaggenträger (m/w) gesucht!

Wir, die Flagfactory Germany UG (haftungsbeschränkt), suchen deutschsprachige Unterstützung für unser Team im Bereich der Programmierung von FLAGSTACK.

Deine Aufgaben:
- Pflege und Weiterentwicklung des Front- und Backend
- Service und Wartung unserer Server

Du kennst dich idealerweise aus mit:
- HTML5, Javascript (jQuery, Ajax), css
- Linux-Server (DB / Web)

Deine Arbeitseinstellung:
- Liebe zum Detail
- Geduld und gute analytischen Fähigkeiten

Wir bieten dir:
- den Einstieg in das weltweite und stetig wachsende Outdoor Spiel FLAGSTACK
- viel Raum für deine Ideen
- flexible Arbeitszeiten

Bist du Freelancer, hast freie Kapazitäten in deiner Firma oder hast du Lust, dir mit einem Minijob etwas dazuzuverdienen? Oder kennst du jemanden, wo du denkst: das passt?! Dann melde dich bei uns oder leite diese Email weiter und capture den job...!

Flagfactory Germany UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- unlimited innovation made in Germany -
Ellernbrook 21
24629 Kisdorf


Flagstack News – Team Battle #27 is over!

It's time again and another Team Battle Month is over. No wonder that it seems as if time had flown by - after all, this was the shortest month of the year!

Large parts of Europe were caught by freezing cold temperatures at the end of February, but you didn't even notice it in Team Battle #27. More flags were snatched and freed than ever before... And the Double Point Weekend played its part, that you’ve captured and deployed as if there was no tomorrow.

How did all this affect the ranking of TB #27? All 87 teams achieved great results and hard work is rewarded. Here is a look at the top 10 of the overall ranking for our statistics fans... Take a close look - placing in the top 10 is worthwhile for your team due to the mega credit wins! Don't miss them!

1. Flag4Fun (DE) - additional 90,000 credits for the team account + #1 Team Badge for every player

2. Bielefelder Flaggers (DE) - additional 60,000 credits for the team account + #2 Team Badge for every player

3. RedFlagStars (DE) - additional 30,000 credits for the team account + #3 Team Badge for every player


4. The Marauders (US) - additional 20,000 credits for the team account

5. Flag watchers (DE) - additional 17,500 credits for the team account

6. DMV Flaggers (US) - additional 15,000 credits for the team account

7. Easy Flaggers (DE) - additional 12,500 credits for the team account

8. GifHorner FlagHunter (DE) - additional 10,000 credits for the team account

9. Die 4 Zombie Flag (DE) - additional 7,500 credits for the team account

10. Fun with Flags (AU) - additional 5,000 credits for the team account


And here's the faction ranking from Team Battle #27, and we're delighted with the great overall performance from all players:

1. The Alliance of Flag Keeper - 38 teams - each player has won 30 Green Flags + the faction badge

2. The Syndicate of Flag Hunter - 23 teams - each player has won 20 Green Flags + the faction badge

3. The Cartel of Flag Seeker - 26 teams - each player has won 10 Green Flags + the faction badge


Click on this link to find out more about the team and faction rankings:

Team Battle #27 was once again rewarded with the great bonus system! The lucky ones are happy about these relay wins:

2,500 Credits = 25 Party Flags

5,000 Credits = 1 Treasure Flag on top

10,000 Credits = 1 White Flag on top

20,000 Credits = 1 Night Flag on top

40,000 Credits = 1 Eternal Flag on top

So if you've won more than 40,000 credits with your team, you've earned 29 flags as a bonus!

You can find all detailed information about the new credit distribution on the official FLAGSTACK help page in the Team Battles area:

You are enthusiastic about Team Battle, all the excitement and variety and especially about your personal advantages through the great prizes? Than you know what you have to do: Tell all people about it and if necessary create a new team on - or even two - because after a short recovery time the next Team Battle is already in sight - on 05.March 2018 at 0:00 (Timezone Europe / Berlin) the TB #28 starts!


Happy Valentines Day 2018 & DPW

It is Valentine's Day on 14.February. The florists are looking forward to this day all year long - and we at FLAGSTACK have created something YOU will be very happy about! Be our Valentine...!

We take this day as an opportunity to spread some love. Because just a little bit more love in everyday life makes the world a much better place. To celebrate the Day of Love, you can complete your badge collection with the Valentine 2018! And that's how it works:

On 14.February 2018 (0:00h - 23:59h, timezone Europe / Berlin) we celebrate the Day of Love and enchant all Green Flags, all Happy Holiday Flags and all Jumper Flags in hearts. Take your sweetheart by the hand and take a romantic stroll after an enjoyable candlelight dinner. Collect at least 14 hearts (Green Flags, Happy Holiday Flags or Jumper Flags) and you will get this beautiful badge. Ok, the candlelight dinner and stroll is not a condition for the badge, but makes the day a very special day. So don't miss it, then.

There's something special for you on the next weekend, too: it's time for the next Double-Point Weekend! The occasion? Actually, there are two:

On the one hand, FLAGSTACK grows and thrives through you and your diligence - and with the entire FLAGSTACK community it is most likely possible until the weekend that the FLAGSTACK flags will have been captured 14 million times. What a number! What an achievement! On the other hand, we would like to apologize for the server hiccup last month. We do our utmost to minimize such breakdowns.

On Saturday and Sunday (17.February 2018, 00:00h - 18.February 2018, 23:59h, timezone Europe / Berlin) there will be double points for captures and deploys (except Dice Flags)!

We hope you can forgive us and we'll keep our fingers crossed that you can double and triple your possibly missed scores at the Double-Point weekend!

So there's an exciting week ahead of you: on 14.February you will collect at least 14 hearts on the map for the sweet Valentine 2018 badge, and this coming weekend you will celebrate the first Double-Point weekend in 2018!

We wish you much love, fun and success!



Flagstack News – Team Battle #26 is over!

What a start to the year 2018! After we all got through the holidays as well as possible, the Team Battle #26 started right away.

As announced at the beginning of January, the fight for Team Flags has much more influence on the ranking, as abducting and defending Team Flags brings twice as many Team Credits to your team as before.

From now on the positions 1-10 win Team Credits for their team account. So there are up to 50 lucky winners in the first 10 placings every month!

What did the teams in TB#26 do with it? The placings 1-4 have a good lead, and Zombie Attack (GB) achieved the best result of this month! All 85 teams achieved great results and hard work is rewarded. Here is a look at the top 10 of the overall ranking for our statistics fans... Take a close look - placing in the top 10 is worthwhile for your team due to the mega credit wins! Don't miss them!


1. Zombie Attack (GB) - additional 90,000 credits for the team account + #1 Team Badge for every player

2. Bielefelder Flaggers (DE) - additional 60,000 credits for the team account + #2 Team Badge for every player

3. RedFlagStars (DE) - additional 30,000 credits for the team account + #3 Team Badge for every player


4. The Marauders (US) - additional 20,000 credits for the team account

5. Elwedritsche (DE) - additional 17,500 credits for the team account

6. GCHN (DE) - additional 15,000 credits for the team account

7. Easy Flaggers (DE) - additional 12,500 credits for the team account

8. McFlag (DE) - additional 10,000 credits for the team account

9. Fun with Flags (AU) - additional 7,500 credits for the team account

10. Fun With Flags Eh (CA) - additional 5,000 credits for the team account


And here's the faction ranking from Team Battle #26, and we're delighted with the great overall performance from all players:


1. The Alliance of Flag Keeper - 35 teams - each player has won 30 Green Flags + the faction badge

2. The Cartel of Flag Seeker - 24 teams - each player has won 20 Green Flags + the faction badge

3. The Syndicate of Flag Hunter - 26 teams - each player has won 10 Green Flags + the faction badge


Click on this link to find out more about the team and faction rankings:

Team Battle #26 was once again rewarded with the great bonus system! The lucky ones are happy about these relay wins:

2,500 Credits = 25 Party Flags

5,000 Credits = 1 White Flag on top

10,000 Credits = 1 Happy Holidays Option on top

20,000 Credits = 2 Treasure Flags on top

40,000 Credits = 1 brand-new Multiplier Card Flag on top

So if you've won more than 40,000 credits with your team, you've earned 29 flags and 1 terrific bonus option! The exciting brand new Multiplier Card Flag is also included - check it out if you haven't done so yet!

Is it too much new information? You can find all detailed information about the new credit distribution on the official FLAGSTACK help page in the Team Battles area:

You are enthusiastic about Team Battle, all the excitement and variety and especially about your personal advantages through the great prizes? Than you know what you have to do: Tell all people about it and if necessary create a new team on - or even two - because after a short recovery time the next Team Battle is already in sight - on 05.February 2018 at 0:00 (Timezone Europe / Berlin) the TB #27 starts!


The time has come - Down Under is celebrating Australia Day on 26.January 2018 - and FLAGSTACK is celebrating with you again!

Capture at least 26 Green Flags on 26.January 2018 throughout the entire Australian period and you'll get a great badge! The window of time in our usual time calculation is on 25.January 2018 from 2 p.m. to 26.January 2018 at 4:59 p.m. (time zone Europe/Berlin), i. e. a total of 27 hours.

For our friends in Australia we have decided on something special: In the above period, all Green Flags in Australia are turned into a surprise icon.

This means that all Aussis and holidaymakers in the area must capture at least 26 "Special Icon Green Flags" during the above period.

The Flagstackers in the rest of the world celebrate happily and simply capture at least 26 Green Flags. Look forward to this new award!

Great offers* are waiting for you in our webshop on 25.January 2018 from 2 p.m. to 26.January

2018 at 4:59 p.m. (time zone Europe/Berlin) - save money on Australia Day with a quick click!

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi...

* A combination with any discounts, vouchers and discounts is not possible, except gift vouchers. The discount is not payable in cash. Only available for orders placed with PayPal on the website. An order with voucher and / or discount via apps is currently not possible.


Christmas was successfully rescued!

finally it’s here - the new year! After all of us arrived well in 2018, we risk taking a look back at the past.... Just a few days.... There was still something.... Yeah, right, Christmas! Luckily, more than 2,000 Flagstackers helped Santa catching the runaway reindeer - phew, that went really well with the Christmas holidays....

As promised, the successful participation in reindeer hunting brings some nice presents this year. We have drawn 25 prizes out of all the diligent helpers who rescued Christmas by reaching this badge. Congratulations to the lucky winners:

1st prize: Canonbell (GB) - 1 FLAGSTACK jacket

2nd prize: Henk1000 (NL) - 12 months premium membership

3rd prize: SH.WOMBLE (DE) - 1 FLAGSTACK polo shirt (orange or green)

4th prize: Woesken (DE) - 1 FLAGSTACK raglan shirt

5th prize: Killshot (US) - 1 Dice Flag

6th prize: Pafus (NO) - 1 Dice Flag

7th prize: ohraku (AT) - 1 Dice Flag

8th prize: SamR1 (GB) - 1 Dice Flag

9th prize: Nazzman (AU) - 1 Dice Flag

10th prize: mena (DE) - 1 Multiplier Card Flag

11h prize: Trish54 (AU) - 1 Multiplier Card Flag

12th prize: tazscouter (US) - 1 Multiplier Card Flag

13th prize: SaskyGirl (CA) - 1 Multiplier Card Flag

14th prize: LittleMinxC (GB) - 1 Multiplier Card Flag

15th prize: 123xilef (DE) - 1 Multiplier Card Flag

16th prize: Bokerbub (DE) - 1 Jumper Flag

17th prize: delaner46 (US) - 1 Jumper Flag

18th prize: tosuja (CZ) - 1 Jumper Flag

19th prize: Merget (DE) - 1 Jumper Flag

20th prize: BeardedZombie (GB) - 1 Jumper Flag

21th prize: SeeTheWorld (US) - 1 Jumper Flag

22th prize: Grisly1 (NL) - 1 Jumper Flag

23th prize: MeteorMan (NL) - 1 Jumper Flag

24th prize: karsen (AU) - 1 Jumper Flag

25th prize: LordMusicMan (DE) - 1 Jumper Flag

You won a prize in kind? Congratulations - please send us your address - and the 3rd prize the polo shirt color - via email (

You won a virtual prize? Then be happy that your prize has already been credited to your account.

Your name is not listed? Then we'll keep our fingers crossed for the next campaign....

Greetings from your



Team Battle #25 and the year 2017 are over!

The year 2017 also comes to an end with Team Battle #25. A reason for sentimentality? Oh, what's that for?! A new year awaits you with exciting surprises and innovations...

In Team Battle there will be some positive changes starting in the new year and TB#26! The team activities will be strengthened and rewarded with more team credits! Attacking, abducting and defending Team Flags will now earn your team twice as many team credits! Because the Team Battle is called Team Battle because teams are battling against each other...

In addition, not only the first three placings will benefit from credit wins. From now on, the placings 1-10 win Team Credits for their team account. So there will be up to 50 lucky winners in the first ten ranks every month! The great bonus system with its relay winnings is unchanged and above all the exchange rate in the credit shop remains stable.

From now on detailed information about the new credit distribution can be found on the official FLAGSTACK help page in the Team Battles category:

And according to the motto "New Year, New Happiness" all team flags have to be verified/ reconfirmed. How to do that? You can also find the information on the FLAGSTACK help page.

You have worked flat out and gave everything during the last Team Battle? Redeem your earned credits quickly and have fun with your new flags! Click here to visit the credit shop directly: On the team page you find the link to the shop below the overview map.

Here are the information about the overall ranking and the facts of Team Battle #25 for our statistical fans. All in all, we gave away lots of great prizes worth many thousands of €uros! All 89 teams have achieved great results and hard work is rewarded:

1. Die 4 Fragezeichen (DE) – Credits: 57,991 – The Alliance - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 30,000 credits + the #1 Team-Badge

2. Elwedritsche (DE) – Credits: 49,034 – The Cartel - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 20,000 credits + the #2 Team-Badge

3. The Marauders (US) – Credits: 48,252 – The Alliance - as a bonus, each player was credited with an additional 10,000 credits + the #3 Team-Badge


And here's the faction ranking from Team Battle #25. We're delighted with the great overall performance from all players:

1. The Alliance of Flag Keeper - Teams: 35 - Credits: 418,172 - Average: 11,948 - each player has won 30 Green Flags + the faction badge

2. The Cartel of Flag Seeker - Teams: 26 - Credits: 191,049 - Average: 7,348 - each player has won 20 Green Flags + the faction badge

3. The Syndicate of Flag Hunter - Teams: 28 - Credits: 186,373 - Average: 6,656 - each player has won 10 Green Flags + the faction badge


Team Battle #25 was once again rewarded with the great bonus system! The lucky ones are happy about these relay wins:

2,500 Credits = 25 Party Flags

5,000 Credits = 1 White Flag on top

10,000 Credits = 1 Happy Holidays Option on top

20,000 Credits = 1 Treasure Flag on top

40,000 Credits = 1 Second Chance Option on top

So if you've earned more than 40,000 credits with your team, you've won 27 first-class flags and 2 terrific options as a bonus!

You know what you have to do: Tell all people about it and if necessary create a new team on - or even two - because after a short recovery time the next Team Battle is already in sight - on 05.January 2018 at 0:00 (Timezone Europe / Berlin) the TB #26 starts!

Please remember to confirm your team flag before the start of the next Team Battles on the 05.January 2018! We wish you a healthy and richly flagged new year 2018!


Merry Christmas: Multiplier Card Flag

As of today, some players who have an Advent Calendar 2017 PLUS are the first to own the new flag type "Multiplier Card Flag". For all others, the new flag will be available from 01.01.2018 in the webshop.

Here is a short instruction and details about the new flag:

This is how to identify the Multiplier Card Flag on the map...


Classically you can start the card game by capturing...



After capturing, the menu for playing the card opens...

You have three options to select from...

You start with 8 points or 16 points as a premium member...

01. Choose red and keep your fingers crossed - duplicate or lose the points!

02. Choose black and keep your fingers crossed - duplicate or lose the points!

03. Play it safe and take the displayed points!



After your selection of red or black, there are two options - win or lose...




Don't get upset if you lose all points of this game...

Finish the game via

01. the "X" or

02 "Take 0 capture points"

and try again - because you can play the Multiplier Card Flag 5x in total!


Here is the complete description of the Multiplier Card Flag for you:

After the capture, the player has to decide for red or black and thus can double the capture points again and again or lose these points. A Multiplier Card Flag can be played 5 times in total! The Multiplier Card Flag can be deployed directly on site via the app and exclusively for premium members via the website.

Deploy points: 10

Capture points: 8 - ∞

Capture On points: 10

Distance to own flags: 66 m

Distance to other flags: 22 m

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